Tuesday, September 10, 2013

travels continue

I just realized I have to abbreviate my musings about our trip somewhat otherwise there will be nothing else but "travelling" in my blog! Anyway, on we drove towards the coast, the Gulf of Mexico and on to Houston. There we went to the Space Center, well worth a visit while in the vicinity! To see all the bits and pieces to travel in space and back is most impressiv.

From desert with its many yucca plants to the swampy countryside of Louisiana was just a couple of days drive. Wise mans beard hang in thick bunches in many of the trees.

So called Antebellum Mansions grace the countryside. Sugarcane Barons used to reside in the sprawling estates. 

Unusually shaped bridges span the numerous waterways. They are built this way to allow easy passage for the ships travelling far inland. 

Alligators are very territorial and can be spotted everywhere.


  1. But for some of this is a close as we will get to some of your wonderful adventures, love seeing them all.

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks for your comment. We did some filming as well and I may put a link into my blog for anyone to watch it once it is finished. Will be a while though!
      Congrats for all your lovely clothes you are making! I often visit to have a "peep". Not so much happening on the sewing front here though, to much else going on.
      Take care!

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