Friday, February 6, 2015


We have  just returned from Tamworth and the annual Country Music Festival. Was great and  we got our fill on many different kinds of music. Most people do not realize that Country Music is not just one type but incorporates many genres. We have been listening to Rock bands, Balladeers, Guitar Virtuosos, Jodeling etc etc. The entire main street of the town is usually blocked of and dozens of buskers do their best to outdo each other. In every locality, shopping centre and hall music can be savoured, a lot of it for free. Fantastic vibe and a lot of fun!
On the way home I gathered some wild peaches and have already made some jam. We do not like the store bought variety any longer, we find it far to sweet. Wild peaches are not as sweet or as juicy as the commercially grown variety but the taste makes up for it!

Wie fast jedes Jahr waren wir auch diesmal wieder in Tamworth am Country Music festival. Hat uns gut gefallen und wir haben immer noch den Kopf voller Musik. Die meisten Leute denken das Country Musik  nur eine bestimmte Art von Musik ist. dem ist aber nicht so, von Rock ueber Balladen, Jodlerinnen und bis zu moderner Musik gibt es alles zu hoeren. Jegliche Lokalitaeten sind ausgebucht waehrend dieser Zeit. Die ganze Hauptstrasse ist gesperrt und Dutzende von Musikanten tun ihr bestes um einander zu uebertonen! Eine tolle Atmosphare!
Auf dem Heimweg sammelte ich wilde Pfirsiche und habe schon Konfi gemacht. Sie sind nicht so suess oder saftig wie die gekaufte Variante aber der Duft..... 


  1. I don't see my brother in any of the Tamworth shots - I think the locals avoid the crowds. Good find with the wild peaches!

  2. No I have not seen him either Anna! As for the peaches I know where to look after having travelled this region so many times.
